
1 min read

“This sickness will not end in death.”

At a skin-deep reading, it would appear that Jesus was wrong. Lazarus would die. Jesus heard the news of illness, waited around for 2 days . . . and did nothing! And Jesus’ do-nothing-ness resulted in one of His dear friends dying.

But Jesus’ words are very particular. “This sickness will not END in death.” Death was part of the story. Grief was part of the story. People doubting his goodness, His abilities, His wisdom. All part of the story.

Jesus knew all that. But He also knew the end of the story. The part where Lazarus walks out of the grave, reunited with his sisters and his friends.

Even when we’re in the darkest parts of our own story, Jesus is drawing us toward the ending. And ending of hope, resurrection, and reunion. So we keep on trusting Jesus, knowing that He has good things in store.