Congregational Worship Is Worthy of Debate
The two ministries I have been involved with the longest are Bible teaching and worship. I had my baptism by
Introducing New Songs to A Congregation
The goals of every worship leader and team are the same: excellence which leads to participation. If the congregation can't sing along, you're no longer hosting a worship service but a concert. Concerts are great, don't get me wrong. But it's not usually what people are looking for from a church.
Yes, God's Love Is Reckless (and Yours Should Be Too)
Part 1: The Sea Monsters Aren't Real (but The Truth About God Is)
Many ancient people were afraid
Are Our Worship Services Helping Us Form Good Habits
This week I have been in Sioux Falls taking part of something called "The Vista Process." It can
Why Do Worship Services Need Confession
Participating in truth-telling