The Pastor's Paradox: On Having Power and Giving It Away
If I genuinely believe that God stands with the oppressed and marginalized (which Scripture repeatedly affirms), and if I believe that the marginalized should be centered in leadership (which liberation theology compellingly argues), then what am I even doing here?
Congregational Worship Is Worthy of Debate
The two ministries I have been involved with the longest are Bible teaching and worship. I had my baptism by
Please: Don’t Break Sheep’s Legs
I was recently reminded of a sermon illustration that gets shared by preachers of a particular sort. It goes something
Returning From Sabbatical
This is my first week back from sabbatical! After twelve full weeks away from the responsibilities of pastoring a church,
Scholars or Pastors or Both?
Does Bible college and seminary create scholars but not pastors?
Guess You Had to Be There
Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart
Most people don't want a weekly church service
Pastors desperately need to stop measuring the effectiveness or quality of the church by Sunday attendance.
Introducing New Songs to A Congregation
The goals of every worship leader and team are the same: excellence which leads to participation. If the congregation can't sing along, you're no longer hosting a worship service but a concert. Concerts are great, don't get me wrong. But it's not usually what people are looking for from a church.
If I wanted to drive a manager up the wall, I would make him responsible for the success of an
Marketing and Outreach in a Post Evangelical Church
Something I wrestle with constantly as a pastor of a progressive/inclusive church is the need for "outreach"