Q&R: Is there more to Christianity than striving for perfection and trying to avoid sin? If so, what?
Response: Yes, there's more! In fact, striving for perfection is not even a component of Christianity.
If you
Jesus' "End Times" Prophecies
Imagine living in the year 4000 CE, and you come across the 2,000-year-old speeches and quotes of climate activist
Misused Scripture 5: Genesis 3:16, Men Ruling Over Women
Genesis 3 goes by lots of names: The Fall, The Curse, the starting place of Original Sin, the Loss of
Revelation from God may make you angry...and that’s a good thing.
Thoughts on Ezekiel 2 and 3
In Ezekiel 2—3, while Ezekiel is entranced in a vision of God’s
Eternal Hell Question 2: Don't other passages refer to hell being infinite in duration?
Question: Your answer presupposes that hell is theologically claimed to last forever only because of one mistranslated word, but that
Eternal Hell Question 1: Is heaven not forever, either?
Question (edited for space, clarity): If the word commonly translated “eternal/forever” for hell only means a limited age or
Question: New Testament Antisemitism
The Gospel of John contains passages like 8:44, where Jesus, addressing the Jewish, tells them that "You are
English Bible Translations Have Gotten Eternal Almost Entirely Wrong
There's No Such Thing As Eternal Hell
Folks who support the idea that hell will be "eternal
Why Do I Refer to the Author of Hebrews As "She"?
We don't know who wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews. It slid into the New Testament canon because
God's glory is best seen among the oppressed
Thoughts on Ezekiel 1
The prophet and would-be-priest Ezekiel is sitting with his fellow exiles in Babylon. He's