“Well, I know that God is on the throne...”
“Well, I know that God is on the throne...”
“God is in control!”
“Let go and let God!”
These cliches can inoculate us against our God-given calling to collaborate with God in the healing of the world. Yes, Christ is King. Yes, God is sovereign. But that therefore doesn’t mean we sit back and hope for the best. Rather, we press forward all the more, FILLED with God’s power and presence, to hasten the consummation of Christ’s Reign. We find the places where God is up to something good and we join God in the work. (And, by the way, we often find God God’s self up to something among the most surprising people—with the hungry, the poor, the imprisoned, the immigrant, the marginalized, Matt. 25:35-40).
Romans 8:28 says, “We know that in everything God works for good WITH THOSE who love him, who are called according to his purpose” (RSV). Do you see it? God is working WITH you to work for good. God wants to do something good in the world—and God wants to do it through you! It’s Divine-Human cooperation, collaboration, and synergy—the mingling of two energies for a shared purpose. Friends, we are co-laborers with God (2 Cor. 6:1)!
So as we look to tomorrow (and the next day and the day after that), let’s not hand out tired platitudes, as if they give us permission to just “let go and let God.” No. Rather, dear family, we never grow weary of doing good. We are firmly fixed, unshakeable, always full to overflowing with the Lord’s work, because the work we’re up to will not be worthless (1 Cor. 15:58).
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