Eternal Hell Question 1: Is heaven not forever, either?
Question (edited for space, clarity): If the word commonly translated “eternal/forever” for hell only means a limited age or
Question: New Testament Antisemitism
The Gospel of John contains passages like 8:44, where Jesus, addressing the Jewish, tells them that "You are
English Bible Translations Have Gotten Eternal Almost Entirely Wrong
There's No Such Thing As Eternal Hell
Folks who support the idea that hell will be "eternal
Why Do I Refer to the Author of Hebrews As "She"?
We don't know who wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews. It slid into the New Testament canon because
Scary Misused Scriptures 4: Hebrews 6:4-6
In Hebrews 6, the anonymous author writes:
"For it is impossible,
Why You Should Be Using RSS
Staying On Top of Things
"Being informed" has never been so accessible. Yet, what it means to "
God's glory is best seen among the oppressed
Thoughts on Ezekiel 1
The prophet and would-be-priest Ezekiel is sitting with his fellow exiles in Babylon. He's
Today was overwhelming
Today was overwhelming, both in ways good and bad. It started with a rich and thoughtful Learning Cohort where we
Scary Scriptures 3: The Unforgivable Sin
Is the Unforgivable Sin really unforgivable? Depends on what you mean.
Mark 3:29, Matthew 12:31-32, Luke 12.
2023 Book 1: A More Christlike God
Book 1 for 2023 ✅
I read A More Christlike God by Bradley Jersak back in 2015 when it came out.