Stupid Little Projects
Thinking I could accomplish anything was a mistake.
Most people don't want a weekly church service
Pastors desperately need to stop measuring the effectiveness or quality of the church by Sunday attendance.
“You are citizens of heaven…”
“You are citizens of heaven…” Paul’s Letter to the Church in Philipi
For a Roman citizen, citizenship was not
Men and Women Aren't as Predictable As We've Been Led to Believe
I've got a premarital counseling couple in front of me. They're bickering because one of them is always bringing up their feelings about their problems, and the other one is always trying to solve the other one's problems.
In your mind, which one is a man and which one is a woman?
Introducing New Songs to A Congregation
The goals of every worship leader and team are the same: excellence which leads to participation. If the congregation can't sing along, you're no longer hosting a worship service but a concert. Concerts are great, don't get me wrong. But it's not usually what people are looking for from a church.
Going On Sabbatical
I am so grateful that The Table Church values sabbath and rest. We believe that people are not commodities. Humans
Misused Scripture: Jeremiah 17:9
Wormism is the notion, particularly popular in certain expressions of Christianity, that you and I are nothing but lowly, nasty,
Something I Preached On Trans People Seven Years Ago
I preached the below SEVEN years ago. I studied and sought to understand my trans kin because I was curious
Misused Scripture: Proverbs 13:24 - Spare the Rod
People often cite "Spare the rod, spoil the child" as a Bible verse about the need for spanking
Ezekiel, Husbands, and Christ
New Testament authors routinely took Hebrew Bible metaphors and redeemed them by re-reading and reinterpreting them through the lens of