Isaiah 64 - Lost in the Clothes Racks
Do you remember getting separated from your mom or dad in a department store? I remember being pretty little—under
7 Lessons I Learned My First Year of Parenting (Part Two)
Starting a family is no excuse to stop investing in your adult friendships
7 Lessons I Learned My First Year of Parenting (Part One)
I Discovered The Best and Worst of Myself
Manifested Hope
Any political system's bread and butter is the claim that things are bad, but our system alone can
Are Our Worship Services Helping Us Form Good Habits
This week I have been in Sioux Falls taking part of something called "The Vista Process." It can
Why Do Worship Services Need Confession
Participating in truth-telling
The Best Way to Love Your Children Is To Love Your Church
I won't forsake the church in the name of being a better parent.
Sermon 011 Jesus Is King
* We don't know how many there were; though they usually traveled in
Sermon 010 That Which Costs Me Nothing
2 Samuel 24
* King [[David]], 3000 years ago in Israel
* The Census - Showed Lack of trust
* God'