You're not alone. You're not the only one. That's perfectly normal.
These are the three most common phrases I say to people during pastoral counseling. I usually hesitate a bit because
A Dialogue About the Trustworthiness of Scripture
Someone on my Facebook was sealioning me about the trustworthiness of Scripture. While I usually don't find such
Traditional Marriage, So-Called
One of the biggest deceptions that non-affirming churches have gotten away with is this notion that the church has always
Watermelon Patch
Did anyone else grow up with the poisoned watermelon patch metaphor for the Bible?
Imagine a watermelon patch with 66
There Are Things Worth Getting Divisive About
Over the past couple of months, I’ve had the joy of leading a Bible study on Paul’s Letter
Marketing and Outreach in a Post Evangelical Church
Something I wrestle with constantly as a pastor of a progressive/inclusive church is the need for "outreach"
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
Mark 3:28-30 and its similar passages in Matthew and Luke are pretty often misread. People misread it as, "
From Courtship to Union - Res City and The Table
Nine months ago, in November 2021, we announced the beginning of a courtship between Resurrection City DC and The Table
It Is Always God's Will to Heal
A few people had asked what I meant when I said it is always God's will to heal.
I Didn't Dupe You
I recently heard that a few folks at my former church in Iowa felt like I duped them. The claim