English Bible Translations Have Gotten Eternal Almost Entirely Wrong
There's No Such Thing As Eternal Hell
Folks who support the idea that hell will be "eternal
Why Do I Refer to the Author of Hebrews As "She"?
We don't know who wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews. It slid into the New Testament canon because
Scary Misused Scriptures 4: Hebrews 6:4-6
In Hebrews 6, the anonymous author writes:
"For it is impossible,
Why You Should Be Using RSS
Staying On Top of Things
"Being informed" has never been so accessible. Yet, what it means to "
God's glory is best seen among the oppressed
Thoughts on Ezekiel 1
The prophet and would-be-priest Ezekiel is sitting with his fellow exiles in Babylon. He's
Today was overwhelming
Today was overwhelming, both in ways good and bad. It started with a rich and thoughtful Learning Cohort where we
Scary Scriptures 3: The Unforgivable Sin
Is the Unforgivable Sin really unforgivable? Depends on what you mean.
Mark 3:29, Matthew 12:31-32, Luke 12.
2023 Book 1: A More Christlike God
Book 1 for 2023 ✅
I read A More Christlike God by Bradley Jersak back in 2015 when it came out.
Grandma Henkler's Funeral
Death and funerals are a time when grief and gratitude mingle. Grief because of loss; gratitude because we recognize how
I believe that God loves everyone with equal amounts of infinite love...but now it's infinite+1. Thanks